Monday, 18 April 2005

Conspiracy Theory!

Conspiracy Theory!

Yeah, Pundette has been off her game lately. With plans to be away from Gainesville for the summer becoming finalized (get exciting, Pundette's summer destination is an appropriate one), there has been little time for hashing out blog entries. But today! Pundette's favorite topic, SG corruption, has now extended to...the City Commission? WTF Mates? First of all, I think it looks very silly for grown elected municipal representatives to be hashing deals out with 22 year olds at the Swamp, but all that aside...silly is the operative word here. I see nothing wrong with Joe, lobbying for a cause he supports to a member of the city commission, makes it clear that backing a student-friendly issue will drawn student support. I fail to see the shadiness here. I heart Tony, and not because I was in cahoots with the Gator Party, or even because I was a part of some brainless mob of Greeks following the fight against temperance, but rather because he's fun and by god we need more of that. I will note however, something funny, and somewhat in line with the A-game reporting we got to see this election season...

The lists the 79 members of "Gators for the Re-Election of Tony Domenech". The campaign contact, Gordan, is a Phi Delt. 21 of the 79 members of the group are Phi Delts. But the number one group overlap? "Gators for the Gator Party", 37 overlapping members.


Sorry, I just still can't stop laughing about things long passed. That, or I can't stop laughing at how tied for second w/ Phi Delt is the group "UF Sorority Girls are SO Hot Right Now." *sigh*

WONKETTE: Last week, released their 25 Least Influential list. We love lists, really. And anything that highlights Pat Sajak? Gold.

SHOT: "After I ran, many students who would never have run for a position in Student Government or for Student Body president ran because I gave them the courage to do so," - Jamal Sowell, at the SG Banquet

CHASER:Lois: Peter, why would they make you president? Peter: Maybe it's because I can recite all 50 states in a quarter of a second - RARF! Lois: Peter, that was just a loud yelping noise.

Toodles, loves.

Tuesday, 12 April 2005

Are You Ready For Some Football?

Are You Ready For Some Football?

Well ladies and gents, my sincerest apologies on the massive DeLay (from now on, I will capitalize the D and the L) in updating, Pundette has a busy busy social life and has also been away from her computer...but now, she is back in action, poring through Alligator archives, brushing up on Drudge and trying to sap a little more sarcasm from that oh-so-deep well of wit. Remembering today as she entered the Football Ticket lottery, begging for the mercy of the G.A.T.O.R.S. system, she finds herself now begging for your mercy... here's a roundup of what's been missed...

CHARLIE MURPHY: Gosh darn it! Why did I have to miss this! Why is it that I'm always missing the great events! Wouldn't that have made a hot Live Blogging session? Rest assured, kiddies, Swamp Pundette will be in top form come the Fall when she will liveblog such events. The O&B, Gator Growl, etc. Get excited.
MASSIVE ENVY: Gosh darn it! Why did I have to miss this chunk of change! Future Rhodes scholars, sheesh, those kids haven't yet seen a keg. And everything changes after you lose your kegstand virginity. Ten bucks says at least two of those kids, rebelling against the pressure they were under in high school, wind up massive binge drinkers who skip class frequently and wind up with a 2.3. That's what I call "assimilation". When in Rome...
TONY: Swamp Pundette's favorite City government guy Tony Domenech to the rescue again. Here's why. Wow we love him. What a fun guy.

Moving out of the Swamp...

FEAR AND LOATHING IN THE DISTRICT: Imagine our shock, awe, and sadness at the ranking of Ana Marie Cox, affectionately, "The Wonkette" as #3 on the DC's 50 Most Hated list! Clearly someone who sucks at life made this list. Boo. We like Wonkette so much better than that Kelly Ann Collins "Washington Socialites" drivel, which is pretty much a bastion of pictures of people who look like Jenna Bush but might not really be her. Ooooooh, intriguing. Viva Wonkette!
WEIRD GUY: Did anybody see the footage of this guy getting tackled on the Capitol steps like he had just caught a reception at Ben Hill Griffin? Nice work, Capitol Police, I sleep at night feeling safer because you're there to tackle strange men in trances setting up creepy shop on our national monuments and offices of federal business.